8 Christian Art Gallery

Our Christian Art Gallery App focuses on paintings from the Renaissance period to more recent times. The paintings have all been adjusted for mobile devices and can be viewed in a slideshow with a classical music background. 

1. Merwart The Flood  Gen 7:1-24

Merwart The flood The flood

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These two poignant paintings represent the harrowing nature of the flood. This could be a wife, daughter, or mother being hoisted from the waters, but it's an exercise in futility.  The artist depicts a terrible scene, nowhere to go with water all around you. While we don't dwell much on how it must have been, the artist does give us food for thought.

The flood, according to the bible, came at a time when evil abounded on the earth, and goodness was left only with Noah and by extension his family. In today's world, I often feel that we are already way beyond what people got up to in Noah's time. While the rainbow was promised as a reminder of God's covenant, never to send another flood, it still doesn't stop him from punishing us on a global scale with another of the elements of the earth. What with all the tsunamis, droughts, fires and the like, maybe it is actually happening.

2. Moeyart Jeroboam introduces idol worship 1 Kings 12:25-33

Moeyart- Jeroboam introduces idol worship 1 Kings 12:25-33

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When Jeroboam was the King of Israel while Rehoboam (Solomon s Son) was King of Judah. Jews generally all worshipped in the temple in Jerusalem on major feasts e.g Passover. To stop the yearly migration to the temple from the North, Jeroboam introduced Idol worship, fearful of losing political power to the Southern Kingdom.

Physical Idol worship as we see in the bible may not be as prevalent within Western nations, however, it has been replaced by something subtler and maybe even much worse. Spiritual idol worship of mammon. Money is the new idol in this world and has replaced all virtue. At the top of the minds of most human beings is an insatiable desire for wealth; wealth at any cost. This is the new global idol that is worshipped day and night.

How can one explain the abuse of drugs and alcohol, sweatshops to feed the cravings of the haves, and usury at every corner to further feed envy and unbridled ambition? The divide between developing and developed nations, throwing asylum seekers into the sea, throwing perfectly good food into the sea in order to stabilize global prices; it's just madness!

  3The immaculate heart of Mary    Luke 1:26-28

Kussler- The immaculate heart of Mary Luke 1:26-28

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Just like any mother has an influence on her child, no matter who the child is, the same is assumed of our Lord's mother. Those who pray to her do so for intercession and not as a deity. Is it not normal to ask for the intercession of Saints over the ages, and Christ's disciples in particular? Why not the mother of our Lord?

I live and work in Kenya and my tribesmen, before the advent of Christianity, regularly prayed for the intercession of their ancestors to the most high, as they prayed for rain, harvests, and so on. As a matter of fact, many of them still do so today, despite their professing Christianity (a combination of local and Christian beliefs). 

I believe this is the case in many communities across the globe, namely seeking the intercession of somebody who conducted themselves nobly while alive and in their opinion enjoyed the favour of their maker. I see no reason to imagine that intercessory prayers do not work, and I also see no reason to prove that they do or not. Suffice it to say that for as long as it encourages prayer, I am all for it.

4. The boy Christ among the doctors Luke 2:41-52 

Lieberman- The boy Christ among the doctors Luke 2:41-52

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 This painting "Jesus among the doctors" refers to an event recorded in the Bible in the book of Luke, Chapter 2. The story takes place when he was a 12-year-old boy and his parents, Mary and Joseph, travelled to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. After the feast, they realized that he was not with them and they returned to Jerusalem to find him. They eventually found him in the temple, where he was sitting among the teachers of the law, listening to them and asking them questions. The teachers were amazed at his understanding and answers, and everyone who heard him was amazed at his intelligence and wisdom.

This event is considered significant in the life of the Lord as it serves as a foreshadowing of his later ministry. It also highlights His divine nature, as he displayed an understanding of the scriptures that was far beyond his years. It is seen as a fulfilment of the prophecy in Isaiah 11:2 that the Spirit of the Lord would rest upon the Messiah and give him knowledge and understanding.

The story also serves as an example of the importance of seeking knowledge and wisdom and as a reminder that true wisdom comes from God. It is a story that encourages people to have a deeper understanding of the scripture and to seek a closer relationship with God.

5. Rembrandt The disciples in the storm Mark 4:35-41

Rembrandt- Jesus and disciples in the storm Mark 4:35-41

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The story is recorded in the Bible in the book of Mark, Chapter 4 and Luke, Chapter 8. In this story, The Lord and his disciples were travelling by boat across the Sea of Galilee. A strong windstorm arose, causing the waves to break over the boat and fill it with water. The disciples were afraid they would sink and die, but the Lord was sleeping in the back of the boat. They woke him up and cried out, "Don't you care if we drown?"

He got up and rebuked the wind and the waves, and immediately there was a great calm. He then asked the disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" This event is considered a significant moment in the life of Christ, as it demonstrates his power over nature and his authority over the elements.

The story is often seen as a symbol of the struggle between faith and fear. The disciples were afraid for their lives and thought they were going to die, but Jesus' calming of the storm shows that even in the midst of a chaotic and dangerous situation, faith can overcome fear. The story is also a reminder that the Lordus is with us in our struggles and is always ready to help us in times of need. It is a source of comfort and encouragement for people who are facing difficulties in their lives.

6. West The expulsion of Adam and Eve Gen 3: 21-24 

West- The expulsion of Adam and Eve Gen 3: 21-24

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The expulsion of Adam and Eve is a significant event recorded in the book of Genesis in the Bible. According to the story, Adam and Eve were the first human beings created by God and were placed in the Garden of Eden. God gave them everything they needed and warned them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, as it would bring death.

However, Satan, in the form of a serpent, tempted Eve to eat from the tree, and she in turn convinced Adam to do the same. After eating from the tree, Adam and Eve became aware of their nakedness and felt ashamed. God, finding out about their disobedience, punished them by expelling them from the Garden of Eden.

The expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden is considered a significant event in the history of humanity as it marked the beginning of sin and death in the world. It also represents the first recorded instance of human disobedience towards God. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of disobeying God's commandments and is a reminder of the importance of following God's will.

The expulsion of Adam and Eve is also seen as a symbol of the fall of humanity and the need for redemption. According to the Bible, the death and resurrection of Christ provided a way for people to be forgiven for their sins and to have a restored relationship with God. The story is a reminder that, despite our sin and rebellion, God is always ready to forgive and offer salvation to those who turn to him in faith.

There is a mystery around the garden and the expulsion. Christianity teaches the dogma that all men suffer from this original sin and only through baptism can the sin be removed from one's soul. By simply being human, we all carry the sin of Adam. The cleansing of water, that is baptism, is the only way to remove this stain while simultaneously marking the soul for Christ. Baptism first started with the Baptist, was further instituted by Christ and taken up by his apostles as a mark of belonging to Christ.
