5 Jesus art wallpaper

Our Jesus art wallpaper app has hundreds of paintings, right from infancy to his ascension. The master painters come from the renaissance to more recent times and can be found in art galleries and museums all over the world

a) Anton Carrying the cross Mark 15:20-25 and Bloch- Christ With Thorns John 19:1-16

Anton- Carrying the cross Mark 15:20-25Bloch- Christ With Thorns John 19:1-16


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He died so that we would live. The cross, an emblem of suffering and shame in the Roman empire, is what we esteem today to remind us of the sacrifice made by Jesus to redeem mankind from the clutches of the world, sin, and the devil.  

Some suggest that rather than the cross, we are better off with an image of the risen Christ on the pinnacle of every church. The argument goes that it is better to remember the victory rather than the sacrifice. 

b) Bartolomeo Descent of into Limbo, Luke 24:1-8 and  Cezane- In Limbo Luke 23:44-46

Bartolomeo- Descent of into Limbo, Luke 24:1-8Cezane- In Limbo Luke 23:44-46

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In this painting, the Lord descended into hell on Holy Saturday and was resurrected on Sunday. The souls lost to purgatory were released on Holy Saturday. Our Lord died on Friday at 3pm before the start of the sabbath at 6pm. It is the doctrine of the church that he descended into hell on Holy Saturday to release the souls of the righteous into heaven, where they could not enter before on account of original sin.

The belief that Christ descended into hell after his death on the cross is a widely held doctrine in Christianity, although the exact interpretation and significance of this belief can vary greatly among different denominations.

In the New Testament, several passages suggest that He descended into the realm of the dead, including 1 Peter 3:18-19 and Ephesians 4:9-10. These passages are often interpreted as referring to His descent into hell, although there are differing opinions on what exactly this means and what the significance of this event was.

For some Christians, the idea of Christ descending into hell is seen as a triumphal moment in which Christ conquered death and hell, freeing the souls of the just who had been waiting there. For others, it is seen as a demonstration of His love for all people, including those who were dead, and as an act of reconciliation between God and humanity.

However, some interpret these passages in different ways or do not believe that Jesus descended into hell. Overall, the belief in Christ's descent into hell is a complex and multi-faceted doctrine that continues to be debated and discussed within Christianity.

  dFritz Woman why weepest thou? John 20:11-18

Fritz- Woman why weepest thou? John 20:11-18

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Upon his resurrection,  the first person that our Lord met was Mary Magdalene, who thought that he was the gardener.. she proceeded to ask him where the Lord's body was and at that point, He called her name..." Mary" and she responded "Rabbi.. teacher"

    eParmiganino Presentation at the altar Luke 2:21-33

Parmiganino- Presentation at the altar Luke 2:21-33

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"The Lord is presented at the altar" is a reference to the Liturgical celebration of the presentation of Jesus in the Temple, which is also known as the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary or Candlemas. This event is described in the Gospel of Luke (2:22-38) and is considered one of the earliest celebrations of the Lords life.

In this story, Mary and Joseph brings the child to the Temple in Jerusalem to fulfil the requirements of the Law of Moses, which mandated that firstborn males be consecrated to God and that mothers undergo a period of purification after giving birth. At the Temple, they are greeted by Simeon, who recognizes him as the long-awaited Messiah, and Anna, a prophetess who gives thanks to God for the arrival of the Savior.

In the liturgical celebration of this event, candles are lit and blessed in a symbolic gesture of recognizing Jesus as the light of the world. This feast is traditionally celebrated on February 2 and is an important event in the liturgical calendar for many Christians, especially those of the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic traditions.

The presentation at the altar serves as a reminder of the fulfilment of God's promises and the arrival of the Savior and is celebrated as a symbol of hope and renewal for all people.

f) Penniman Christ is Tempted by the devil Matt 4:1-11

Penniman- Christ is Tempted by the devil Matt 4:1-11

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  In this painting the tempter comes at a moment of weakness; in this case after 40 days and nights of fasting. Always be wary of the enemy at both your low and high points. At your low he appeals against your suffering and at your high, he massages your ego leading to hubris.

g) Po Vodam Jesus Walks on water Matt 14:22-35

Po Vodam- Jesus Walks on water Matt 14:22-35

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Our Lord overcome and commanded the elements as he wished. Nobody in the history of mankind has been credited with such power; Power which he could use in any way
He desired, yet He chose to be treated as he was by mere men.

I particularly find interesting what happened shortly thereafter. The apostle Peter calls out to the Lord and the Lord bids him to walk towards him. Even in the presence of the Lord, Peter still doubted and began sinking. Doubt is a very human trait, even amid evidence to counter it. Don't be ashamed of sin and doubt, it's the human condition. Always dust yourself off and try and try and try again; that is again the human condition.

h) Poussin The massacre of the innocent's Matt 2:16-18

Poussin- The massacre of the innocent's Matt 2:16-18

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The Massacre of the Innocents is a story told in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospel of Matthew. According to the account wise men from the East came to Jerusalem looking for the "King of the Jews" as they had seen his star in the sky. When King Herod heard of this, he became worried that a new king was being born who might challenge his rule. He asked the wise men to find the child and report back to him so he could worship him as well.

However, the wise men were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, so they left for their home country by a different route. When Herod realized he had been deceived, he became angry and ordered that all male infants in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old or younger be killed. This event became known as the Massacre of the Innocents.

The historicity of the event is debated among scholars, as it is not mentioned in any other historical records outside of the Bible. Some argue that the story may have been added to the Gospel of Matthew to connect Jesus with the prophecy in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah (31:15) that Rachel would weep for her children who had been killed.

Despite the lack of external evidence, the story of the Massacre of the Innocents has had a profound impact on Western culture. In Christian tradition, the massacre is seen as a foreshadowing of the suffering and death of our Lord and is remembered as an example of the evil of Herod and the power of faith. The feast of the Holy Innocents is still celebrated by the Catholic Church on December 28th each year.

i) Rembrandt  The woman taken in adultery John 8:1-11

Rembrandt- The woman taken in adultery John 8:1-11

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The story of the woman taken in adultery is found in the Gospel of John (7:53-8:11). According to the account, a group of religious leaders brought a woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus and challenged him to judge her according to the law of Moses, which prescribed that adulterers be stoned to death. The religious leaders hoped to trap Him into either breaking the law by showing mercy or alienating the people by endorsing the law.

He responded by writing on the ground with his finger and then told the religious leaders that whoever was without sin should cast the first stone. One by one, the accusers left until only he and the woman remained. He then told the woman that he did not condemn her and instructed her to go and sin no more.

The authenticity of this story has been the subject of debate among biblical scholars. Some argue that it was not part of the original text of the Gospel of John and was added later, while others believe that it was originally part of the Gospel but was omitted by early copyists.

Regardless of its historical accuracy, the story of the woman taken in adultery has had a lasting impact on Western culture and has been used to illustrate the mercy and compassion of our Lord. The story is often seen as a reminder of the idea that all people are sinners in need of forgiveness and that Jesus offers this forgiveness to all who repent and turn to him.

j) Rembrandt With His disciples Matt 4:18-22

Rembrandt- With His disciples Matt 4:18-22

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This looks like a scene after his resurrection before the ascension when our Lord appeared to his disciples several times.

k) Seghers Josephs dream Matt 1:18-25

Seghers- Josephs dream Matt 1:18-25

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 Joseph is an example of a noble and honourable man. A lesser man would have acted hastily and with little love for his betrothed, but not Joseph. He took his time, seeking a suitable opportunity to let Mother Mary down gently, but the angel Gabriel explained all.

lPereda The Visitation to Elizabeth Luke 1:20-45

Pereda- The Visitation to Elizabeth Luke 1:20-45

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The Visitation is a biblical event recorded in the Gospel of Luke (1:39-56), in which Mary, the mother of Jesus, visited her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist. According to the account, Mary went to visit Elizabeth after she learned that Elizabeth was also pregnant, despite her advanced age.

When Mary arrived, the baby in Elizabeth's womb leapt with joy and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth then proclaimed Mary blessed and recognized her as the mother of the Lord. Mary responded with the Magnificat, a song of praise and thanksgiving for God's blessings.

The Visitation is considered an important event in the history of salvation because it marks the beginning of the relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus and prepares the way for the arrival of Jesus. The Visitation is also significant because it highlights the role of women in salvation history and affirms the dignity and worth of all people, regardless of their social status or gender.

In the Christian tradition, the Visitation is commemorated as a feast on May 31st in the Western Church and on June 2nd in the Eastern Church. The event is remembered as an example of the joy and peace that come from serving God and as a testament to the power of faith and the grace of God.

m) Bloch The resurrection Luke 24:1-12

Bloch- The resurrection Luke 24:1-12

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In the absence of the resurrection event, Christianity would have no foot to stand on. We believe that Christ's resurrection is a precursor to our own resurrection at the end of the age.

If He had not been resurrected, then the Christian religion would have had no foot to stand on. The early Christians relied on the apostles who saw Christ, and many other believers who encountered him over the 40 days that he was amongst us, before the ascension.

The Resurrection of Christ is the central doctrine of the Christian faith and the foundation of the hope that Christians have for eternal life. According to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified and buried, and on the third day, he rose from the dead. The Resurrection is seen as proof that He was the Son of God and that his death and resurrection accomplished the redemption of humanity.

The Resurrection is recorded in all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and is also mentioned in the letters of Paul and other New Testament writers. The accounts of the Resurrection vary in detail, but all affirm that Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples, both individually and collectively.

The Resurrection is significant for several reasons. First, it demonstrates the power of God and confirms that He was indeed the Son of God, as he claimed. Second, it provides proof of the victory over death and sin, which had been the consequence of humanity's fall into sin. Third, it provides the basis for the hope of eternal life, which is the ultimate goal of human existence.

In the Christian tradition, the Resurrection is celebrated as the most important event in salvation history and is commemorated every year on Easter Sunday. The event is celebrated with great joy and reverence and is seen as a time of renewal and hope for Christians. The Resurrection is also seen as a demonstration of the love of God, who sent his Son to die for humanity and raised him from the dead to provide the hope of eternal life.
